Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The Final Destination. A very loft title for a movie that, if successful, will inevitably spurn another sequel, thus setting off a new title for the series The Next Final Destination. Taking a nod from Friday, then we have The Final Destination After Next.

A lot of people criticize the nature of this series. Yes, I recognize you can't kill death. Yes, this means that you can make an infinite number of these movies. Yes, the acting in this one was especially, especially bad. And, yes, these movies continue to entertain.

After enduring Halloween 2, I went to see FD4 and I had a blast. It's a fun, fun, gory, jump-scary movie. Critics complain that there was nothing new in this one. I disagree. The screenwriter, Eric Bress(The Butterfly Effect), went back to what worked in the first film. He also tossed in a bunch of nods to the first few films and together, it makes for a fun experience! The 3-D aspect adds a lot of fun to it as well. Objects fly out at you, including blood, organs and a dirty Band-Aid. My only complaint is that they should build the death scenes more. Give us more options for how it'll go down. Two great examples are the teacher's death in part one and the Lotto winner's death in part two.

I'm not bothering with plot summary. If you know these movies, it's all the same. If you don't, you'll never see it anyway. Here's the bottom line: if you're looking for mindless gory fun, check this one out, it's a good time. If you focus on acting and story, go see..actually, I don't think there's anything current that falls into either of those categories.

Random Notes: David R. Ellis returned to direct. He's behind the chair for Cellular, Final Destination 2, and of course the all-time classic, Snakes On A Plane. The original FD was based on an aborted X-Files script and you can tell from all the FBI presence in the movie. Glenn Morgan and James Wong worked on the X-Files and took care of FD 1 and 3. Ellis took care of 2 and Final.

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